ABC Oriental Rugs & Carpet Cleaning November 18th 10:00am until 2pm At 130 Cecil Maline Dr. Come join us for a day of fun for kids & parents as we raise money & collect toys to donate to our local Cops, Kids, and Toys program.
KIDS can
Enter a coloring contest
Bid in a kid friendly silent auction
Enjoy some baked goods
Can bid on items in a separate silent auction that includes rugs
Come with a new unwrapped, non-violnet toy to donate & enter into our drawing. This will enter you in the drawing for a $200 Gift Certificate
November 25th Fill the Truck at Walmart 9:00 until filled.
DECEMBER 2nd Breakfast at the Dryden Hotel with Santa 2017 Breakfast with Santa was be Saturday, December 3rd this year. There will be a breakfast buffet from 7-11am ($3.95 for Kids and $8.25 for Adults). As always, Santa will be there with a gift for all of the kids! Don't forget to bring a toy donation for Cops, Kids and Toys. This is a program very dear to our hearts... So let's make this our best donation year yet!
Board Meeting are the 2nd Tuesday of each month 1:30pm at the Cayuga Heights Police Department. The public is always welcome at any board meetings .
Cops, Kids & Toys collects, purchases, and distributes toys and gifts to financially disadvantaged children in Tompkins County.
The program started in the early 1980‘s with two Ithaca City Police officers helping out a few children.
It is currently supported with volunteers from every law enforcement agency in Tompkins County, the Tompkins County Probation Department, and many volunteers.